Sunday, April 29, 2012

Electric Mandolin Update IV

I'm done with the mandolin for now.  It turned out really nice.  I'm very happy with it.  I spent some time getting the intonation all set up and it plays beautifully.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Electric Mandolin Update III

I decided to do a french polish on the body of the mandolin.  I like the control I have over the finish and the repairability.  Here's what it looks like so far...

I plan to level the finish tonight and do another three french polish sessions.  After that, one final leveling and then a finish coat should complete it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Electric Mandolin Update II

Here's what the body looks like with one coat of the final color...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Electric Mandolin Update

I'll be working on fixing my electric mandolin over the next week or so. I've never been all that happy with the way it turned our last time. I'm planning on making it more like a telecaster. Gone is the blue transparent finish, tailpiece and bridge. I'll be painting it a solid antique white and installing a new bridge. I like the idea of string through the body so I'll make accommodations for that.   In addition, I have made a name sticker for the head stock.

I stripped apart a junk guitar from Craigslist and modified the bridge...

 Here's the logo for the headstock...

 I chose the muted gold over the others and attached it to the headstock.  I decided that since I liked the way the french polish turned out on my other mandolin, I would do the same thing on the neck of this one.  It's not quite done but it's getting there.

Here's the newly modified bridge.

The color of choice for the mando body...

The bridge laid out and holes center punched.

The body with unneeded holes filled, sanded and ready for primer.  Note the holes on the back for the string through the body bridge.  There will be metal string Ferrels mounted there when it's finished.

I used tooth picks to prevent the screw holes from getting filled in with paint.

Primed up...

I have a small dent to fill in the side then I'll prime again.  I'll sand it and put several coats of the finish color on.  Once that is done, I'll put on a clear lacquer top coat and level.